Welcome To Your Life Journey
With all that’s going on for you right now, it probably seems hard to imagine that better times lie ahead. Actually, you have taken the first step toward those better times by searching out someone like me.
Whatever caused you to do this search represents a “Call to Adventure” on what many describe as a Hero’s Journey*. You find this “Journey” theme throughout stories in folklore, mythology, religious ritual, movies, and theories of psychological development from around the world. Believe it or not, according to those stories, your life is unfolding according to plan. That’s the good news. And, there is no bad news!
There is what I would call the hero journey … where the individual is going to bring forth in his life something that was never beheld before.
Joseph Campbell
I use the Hero’s Journey theme to serve as a guide for successful passage through the many stages of life. In the Hero’s Journey stories, many Heroes, such as yourself, initially refuse the Call to Adventure until they meet a mentor, or supportive guide, to accompany them along the way. This guide gives the Hero (in this case, you) training, tools, advice, and confidence that will help them on their Journey. That’s where I come in. Like an expert guide, I have been down this road with many people and by myself as well.

Photo by Marco López on Unsplash
But first, you may want to know more about your Hero’s Journey.
* The Hero’s Journey theme was discovered by mythologist Joseph Campbell after reading every story he could get his hands on from all around the world. He sums up the pattern in his book, “The Hero With a Thousand Faces.”